使用 Check Point CloudGuard 实现 AWS 的安全保护

防止任何规模的高级第五代网络攻击,提高 AWS 的安全性

增强 AWS 的安全性

Checkpoint CloudGuard 平台是为 Amazon AWS 环境量身打造的全方位安全解决方案。CloudGuard IaaS 为跨云端和本地环境的策略实施提供了统一管理平台。我们还将 CloudGuard 扩展为一个安全编排平台,提供了对公共云中安全状况、合规自动化和入侵检测的可见性与管理。

CloudGuard 拥有集成了 Amazon Security Hub 的本地 API,以通过整合性的安全控制台增强对组织的云安全与合规漏洞的可见性。


Comprehensive Threat Prevention
Comprehensive Threat Prevention

CloudGuard IaaS actively prevents both north-south and east-west cyber-attacks as well as network vulnerabilities and feeds these threat alerts into the AWS Security Hub console. This continuous threat prevention is driven by the platform’s native firewall, IPS, application control, IPsec VPN, antivirus, and anti-bot capabilities.

Powerful Security Visualization
Powerful Security Visualization

CloudGuard helps you visualize your cloud security posture at the infrastructure level (VPCs, security groups, EC2 and RDS instances, Amazon S3 buckets, Elastic Load Balancers, etc) using a purpose-built platform that allows you to interactively detect configuration drift, assess impact of new vulnerabilities and spot firewall rule misconfigurations quickly.

Security Policy Management
Security Policy Management

CloudGuard IaaS adds contextual information such as asset tags, security groups and availability zones to dynamically update security policies in the AWS Security Hub. Security teams can also quickly assess their security posture across multiple VPCs, regions and AWS accounts and ensure there are meeting appropriate security requirements from a single consolidated AWS Security Hub console.

Active Cloud Protection
Active Cloud Protection

CloudGuard provides always-on security enforcement that serves as guard rails for your cloud infrastructure, ensuring that you stay secure without losing agility.

Compliance and Governance
Compliance and Governance

CloudGuard’s platform delivers automated security, compliance and governance for AWS environments. It provides real-time cloud oversight and enacts policy enforcement via auto-remediation capabilities in order to support company’s cloud security objectives. Compliance teams can see the results of continuous compliance assessments within the AWS Security Hub.

Cloud Security Intelligence
Cloud Security Intelligence

Dome9 surfaces critical threats into the AWS Security Hub console. This is powered by enriching and correlating multiple data feeds such as asset configuration, AWS CloudTrail, VPC Flow Logs, Amazon Inspector, and Amazon GuardDuty. SOC teams can now find the needle in the haystack by getting specifically alerted on suspicious network activity or account behavior, all from within the AWS Security Hub.

CloudGuard 与 AWS 安全服务的集成

AWS 安全中心

The Check Point CloudGuard solution natively integrates with Amazon AWS Security Hub to provide AWS customers with better visibility into gaps in their security and compliance posture, and context-rich security intelligence for enhanced threat prevention.

Amazon Inspector

CloudGuard 将 Amazon Inspector 服务集成到其安全自动化框架中。With CloudGuard, AWS customers can ensure that Amazon Inspector is deployed and configured correctly in large-scale environments, and continuously monitor and act on findings.

Amazon GuardDuty

与 Amazon GuardDuty 的集成提供了直接从 entity explorer 中查看结果的关联可视性。这使用户得以对资源及其配置、网络和 IAM 设置以及主机漏洞和检测到的威胁进行快速的识别与关联,这极大地缩短了对警报进行优先级排序和调查的时间。

VPC 流量日志

CloudGuard 利用 VPC 流量日志数据,使用户获得基于网络流量的强大安全及操作洞察力。CloudGuard 以 Clarity 可视化工具在每个安全组级别上易于使用的的表格化、可视化、情景化的格式显示流量日志数据。其还能使用流量日志来检测网络流量中所发生的恶意行为。

AWS CloudTrail

CloudGuard 使用 CloudTrail 日志来跟踪所有 API 活动,并将信息源合并到独立的第三方审计中。CloudGuard 审计跟踪为 AWS 环境中的任何配置更改提供时间戳和用户活动情景。
“作为一个安全部门,对于云账户及资产的安全设置而言,拥有快速、可靠、最新的配置及控制视图是非常重要的。This enables us to automate controls and react quicker with fewer resources.”
-Ewald Wicher, Senior Manager Information Security, Western Union

Check Point CloudGuard 来实现 AWS 的安全保护了吗?

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